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2012: Tackling the Bucket List

I’m revisiting my Bucket List and this year has witnessed five items struck down:

15. Get a degree in Commerce

71. See Lady Gaga in Concert

75. Visit a Cambodian artillery range

76. Thai Full Moon Party

77. Tour Halong Bay

To be completely honest I can’t recall adding Gaga to the list so it was a pleasant surprise to cross her off. Unfortunately I didn’t make enough effort to get to a floating market (#78) so I suppose I’ll just have to return to the region. This will also conveniently ‘afford’ me the opportunity to have more clothing tailored in Hoi An. 

Reflecting on the list, I can’t believe I never had ‘Frolic the Great Wall of China.’ Is it acceptable to retroactively add items to your Bucket List?

Anyway, since I’ve struck five off I think it’s a great time to add five more: 

80. Cast a glance on San Pedro Prison, Bolivia

81. Ride passenger in a military plane

82. Shop at a Turkish Souk

83. Visit Columbia

84. Really, visit Kelowna already. 

Falling Short

 Ican’t believe that I have been to the Palace of Versaille twice and have not toured the gardens (#73). Third time must be a charm. Every time I spy this item on the List I boil up with frustration. The first time I visited in 2008 I did not have adequate footwear (the gardens are expansive). The second time I was operating without sleep for over 20 hours.

You can read about that here:

So if you’re keen to go to Paris you will have to let me know because I have some unfinished business to settle there. 

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