Warning Signs You’re not Ready to be an Au Pair
This post contains some of my most valuable knowledge about au pairing. It addresses you. The following needs to be considered with real thought and honesty. Your answers are critical to finding a compatible family. Happy au pair, happy kids, happier home. What is my time commitment? Consider things like upcoming academic endeavors, how long the host nation will permit you to work for and how long you can afford to go for. Be realistic about how long you would like to be abroad. Be firm. If you don’t want to commit to a full year then don’t! It is a long time to be somewhere when you don’t necessarily want to be in that somewhere for that long. Your time commitment should be a deal breaker. There are plenty of families to choose from. It’s kind of like dating and this is certainly one aspect of (in)compatibility. Conversely, if you are looking for a 1+ year placement then leverage that commitment. I’ve never met an au pair who was crazy enough remained with one …